hisOld/Computer Vision
- Microsoft Research PICO Project 2011.10.18
- open kinect 2011.01.11
- view 3d!! 2010.11.13
- awesome 2010.11.07
- Domestic Robocop 2010.09.14
- Find Finger Count 2010.09.06
- Winscape 2010.08.12
- Hand Tracking , UI 2010.08.10
- open cv rgb->grayscale 2010.03.25
- hand / finger mouse 2010.03.23
Microsoft Research PICO Project
2011. 10. 18. 17:52
open kinect
2011. 1. 11. 10:41
view 3d!!
2010. 11. 13. 11:02
2010. 11. 7. 00:36
Domestic Robocop
2010. 9. 14. 17:25
Find Finger Count
2010. 9. 6. 08:27
2010. 8. 12. 07:07
시점을 트랙킹해서 영상의 뷰포인트를 변화 시켜주는 가상 윈도우(창) 기발한 아이디어 ㅎㅎ
제작 과정
Hand Tracking , UI
2010. 8. 10. 10:07
RGB 합성 아이디어 기발하다. ㅎㅎ
open cv rgb->grayscale
2010. 3. 25. 09:05
#include <iostream>
#include "cv.h"
#include "highgui.h"
using namespace std;
int main( int argc, char** argv )
//load color image specified by first argument
IplImage *source = cvLoadImage( argv[1]);
// create new image structure
// for the grayscale output image
IplImage *destination = cvCreateImage(
cvSize( source->width, source->height ), IPL_DEPTH_8U, 1 );
// set type CV_RGB2GRAY to convert
// RGB image to grayscale
cvCvtColor( source, destination, CV_RGB2GRAY );
// save grayscale image to a file specified by
// second argument
cvSaveImage( argv[2], destination );
return 0;
hand / finger mouse
2010. 3. 23. 03:57